Friday, March 14


Sustainable Tourism Foundation Pakistan (STFP)

Pakistan Tourism Development Corporation (PTDC) was incorporated on March 30, 1970, under the repealed Companies Act 1913 (now the Companies Ordinance, 1984) as a Public Corporation Limited by shares.

PTDC is owned by the Government of Pakistan (99.75% share). The Principal objective of the corporation is to promote and develop tourism in Pakistan.


To fulfill its mission, the founder members of STFP have identified the following specific objectives:

  • To encourage and promote best practices of sustainable tourism to minimize Ecological Footprint.
  • To work with government bodies by providing valuable inputs to develop policies and strategies for the promotion of sustainable tourism and help implement the same.
  • To work with tourism service providers to enhance quality of their products and services to a level so they can be sustainable and eco-friendly.
  • To work with conservation organizations to develop management plans for ecologically sensitive areas where tourism will have an impact on the natural, social and cultural environment.
  • To provide information and educate to the public on environment friendly tourism.
  • To develop contact and collaborate with national and international organizations to initiate ecotourism and sustainable tourism projects in Pakistan.
  • To facilitate the exchange of knowledge, experiences and ideas on sustainable tourism among the stakeholders by organizing trainings and other activities to create awareness on ecotourism, responsible tourism and sustainable tourism.
  • To develop and continually up-date an information bank of sustainable tourism principles, tools, resources and best practices for further dissemination among the concerned stakeholders.
  • To generate joint benefits through increased cooperation, networking and partnerships among sustainable tourism stakeholders.

Core Values

Environmental Conservation

Pakistan’s natural environment is our greatest asset, upon which our businesses and jobs ultimately depend. It is therefore vital that we take active measures to protect our natural resources in order to guard against over-exploitation, which would undermine the ability of both current and future generations of Pakistan to benefit from them.

Cultural Protection

The tourism industry plays an important role by promoting inter-cultural contacts. Furthermore, Pakistan’s rich cultural heritage is a valuable resource in itself. Tourism activities must therefore be developed and managed in close consultation with host communities to guard against exploitation and to ensure that they are protected from unwanted cultural change.

Social Responsibility

Every individual and organization working in the tourism industry must be committed to the betterment of Pakistani society, and in particular to host communities in the areas in which they work. As representatives of Pakistan, we must set a strong positive example by giving back a fair share of what we take.


The development of sustainable tourism cannot be achieved by individuals and organizations working in isolation. To be successful, close co-operation among all the stakeholders is required.


  • Check Conservation of River Indus Dolphin through Community Based Ecotourism.
  • Check Promotion of Ecotourism in the Project Areas of Pakistan Wetlands Program.
  • Check Capacity Building of Tourism Promotion Association of Kaghan Valley (T-PAK) for the Promotion of Sustainable Tourism in the Region.
  • Check Promotion of Community-Based Ecotourism at Taunsa Barrage for the Conservation of Indus River Dolphin.
  • Check Waste Management in Saiful Muluk Lake National Park and Naran Town in Kaghan Valley.
  • Check Promotion of Eco-Trekking in the Mountain Areas of Khyber Pakhtunkhawa.
  • Check Capacity Building of Tourism Industry Stakeholders in Adopting Best Practices of Sustainable Tourism in Tou Operation and Motel Management.
  • Check Community Development through Ecotourism on Fairy Meadows side of Nanga Parbat.
  • Check Kaghan Valley Tourism Website and Publications.
  • Check Back to Nature – Youth Environment Leadership Program.
  • Check Margallah Hills National Park Nature Study Camps for Children and Youth.
  • Check Ayubia National Park Nature Study Camps for Children and Youth.
  • Check Nature-Adventure Trips and Outings for Families and Corporate Groups.



Address: House No.9, St. No.11, Banigala, Islamabad, Pakistan.

Tel:(92) 051-2612448

Cell:(92) 0300-9742158




To Know More About STFP Please Visit Its Official Website

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