The Sindh Tourism Development Corporation was established by the Govt. of Sindh on I3-O8-1991 under section-32 the companies ordinance 1984 (XL VII of 1984) with its Head Quarter at suit No. 114-115, Block-C, Sea Breeze Plaza, Shahrah-e-Faisal Karachi. The public company was registered with joint Registrar of companies with No. K-03641 and approved in the same year.
Initially, the Chief Minister Sindh headed the Boards of Directors consists of 10 members, and the Board held its meeting on 17th July 1991. However, in 2017 the Board of Directors was reconstituted and the Minister for Culture, Tourism & Antiquities Sindh notified as Chairman and Secretary Culture, Tourism & Antiquities Department as Vice Chairman.
Aims & Objectives
To promote and develop the tourism industry and to carry on business throughout Sindh.
To arrange and provide all facilities, Incentives, Services, assistance,
Encouragement, concession, recreation, and Amusement to tourists.
Functionalities of STDC
Promotion of Tourism by creating an awareness of diverse natural, religious, cultural, and historical heritage through the mechanism of a dynamic, sustainable tourism strategy and a well-developed infrastructure.
To achieve the sustainable tourism development targets by a bottom-up approach to upraise it at Local and Regional level and to attract the investment in Tourism Sector.